Vision 2020: Well-being through workOur vision is that work creates well-being at workplaces, at both the individual level, and in society at large. For this reason, FIOH promotes well-being at work, which refers to the capacity and ability of work communities and individuals to operate in various situations as work life changes. This means we … Continue reading
The aim of this guidance document is to help improve standards of safety and health in the commercial sea/marine fishing sector. In an effort to aid prevention of accidents and ill-health among fishermen, this guidance document looks at the role of the Safety Statement in managing health and safety, the most common causes of death, … Continue reading
Health and safety in food and drink manufacture A recipe for safety is for everyone in the industry, including workers, supervisors, managers, directors, health and safety professionals and health and safety representatives. The guidance covers the main health and safety hazards in the food and drink industries and gives practical advice on how to manage … Continue reading
CSA Z1000 is applicable to organizations of all sizes, in virtually any industry. While your business may not pose clear or obvious risks to workers, every workplace has inherent risks that need to be effectively identified and managed to help keep workers safe.Highlights of Z1000: •Harmonized with other safety standards such as CSA Z1001 and … Continue reading
The second edition of EU-OSHA’s Europe-wide survey of enterprises, ESENER-2, collected responses from almost 50,000 enterprises on OSH management and workplace risks, with a particular focus on psychosocial risks, worker participation, and drivers and barriers to action. The aim is to provide nationally comparable data to help in policy-making and assist workplaces to deal with … Continue reading
In the 2014/15 financial year, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) budget for commissioned research and technical support is ~£27m2. During this year, HSE has commissioned 123 new research and technical support projects, in addition to the 339 that were underway at the start of the year. It is expected that 243 projects will be … Continue reading
The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) is reminding employees and employers that April 28th is the National Day of Mourning in Canada. This day is set aside to honour those workers across the country whose lives have been lost, or affected by workplace injuries, disabilities or disease. The National Day of Mourning … Continue reading
The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) reminds students that the January 31 deadline for the 2012-2013 Dick Martin Scholarship Award program is fast approaching. This annual, national award is offered to students enrolled in an occupational health and safety course or program in an accredited Canadian college or university, leading to an … Continue reading
SCIP is a two-part health and safety incentive program for small business that can show you how to reduce your WSIB costs, increase productivity, meet health and safety legislative requirements, and keep your workers safe. Part One is an introduction to health and safety designed to create awareness of risks in the workplace and an understanding … Continue reading
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Launches New E-Courses Continue reading
HAMILTON, ON (October 9, 2012) – With just over two weeks to go until its bi-annual conference, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) announces that Federal Minister of Labour, the Honourable Lisa Raitt, will be attending the CCOHS’ Forum IV: Better Together, to be held October 29 and 30, 2012, in Halifax, Nova Scotia. … Continue reading
The Honourable Lisa Raitt, Canada’s Labour Minister, today addressed the 6th China International Forum on Work Safety. The forum participants included international labour officials, health and safety policy experts and practitioners. “Canadians know the importance of health and safety protection and that our whole economy benefits from safe workplaces,” said Minister Raitt. “The Government of Canada … Continue reading
The fatalities came fast. First, a 1,300 kilogram steel wall slipped loose from a crane, smashing into another wall and bringing both down onto 40-year-old Bobby Lee Tohannie and 24-year-old Angel Hernandez. Half a year later, Harvey Englander was struck by the counter-weight for a construction elevator. Then, ironworker Harold Billingsley and electrician Mark Wescoat … Continue reading