

This tag is associated with 3 posts

Maritime WCBs team up with university on online courses

Workers’ compensation boards in the three Maritime provinces have teamed up with Halifax-based Dalhousie University to provide family physicians in these provinces with access to online courses in occupational medicine. The Maritime Occupational Medicine Continuing Medical Education Alliance will provide courses not only to physicians, but also stakeholders with a vested interest in occupational medicine, … Continue reading »

NB workplace safety board considers demerit system

New Brunswick’s health and safety authority is considering a demerit system that would give it the legislative authority to levy fines against companies that break the rules, without having to turn to the courts. Still in the early stages of planning, WorkSafeNB is asking for input from stakeholders, through an online survey, on a system … Continue reading »

Wal-Mart charged in workplace death of teen

Wal-Mart and one of its supervisors are facing charges for breaching the Occupational Health and Safety Act in the death of a 17-year-old New Brunswick boy who died in January, according to WorkSafeNB. Patrick Desjardins was electrocuted while using a floor buffing and polishing machine on the wet floor of a garage at the Wal-Mart … Continue reading »