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Z1000-14 – Occupational health and safety management

CSA Z1000 is applicable to organizations of all sizes, in virtually any industry. While your business may not pose clear or obvious risks to workers, every workplace has inherent risks that need to be effectively identified and managed to help keep workers safe.
Highlights of Z1000:
•Harmonized with other safety standards such as CSA Z1001 and Z1002
•Provides clarification of nonconformities with explanation of the distinction between “corrective” and “preventive” actions
•Guidance on worker participation in OHSMS-related activities, including involvement of health & safety committees
•Provides an expansion of the requirements for OHSMS management review and plans for continual improvement
•Addresses hazard elimination, risk identification and assessment and the concept of “residual risk” as that remaining after all controls have been implemented (ref. CSA Z1002)
•Provides competency requirements for OHSMS auditors (both internal and external)
•Details provisions and guidance for internal and external audits, including audit program components and selection of the auditor
•Introduces a new table detailing the corresponding clauses between Z1000 and the other standards in the Z1000 series (Annex D)
•Expanded procurement and contracting requirements

Source: http://shop.csa.ca/fr/canada/occupational-health-and-safety-management/z1000-14/invt/27024062014


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