
occupational health studies

This tag is associated with 24 posts

Femmes, santé et travail

Retour sur le colloque Etui de mars 2015L’Institut syndical européen (Etui, European Trade Union Institute) organisait un colloque international, le premier en son genre, en mars 2015 sur le thème « Femmes, santé et  travail : partager connaissances et expériences pour améliorer les conditions de travail des femmes et renforcer l’égalité ». Étaient au programme … Continue reading »

L'EU-OSHA propose une base de données en ligne gratuite des publications en matière de SST

Vous êtes intéressé par les ressources d’information sur la sécurité et la santé au travail? Cette collection de publications va des rapports de recherches approfondis aux «e-facts» d’actualité, conçus pour être utilisés sur le lieu de travail. Tous ces documents peuvent être téléchargés gratuitement. Dans la bibliothèque, vous pouvez effectuer une recherche par langue, par sujet … Continue reading »

Reflections on the state of workers' compensation and occupational health & safety in the United States and Canada

When an article similar to this one was published in Canada, it reflected primarily knowledge derived from firsthand experience in several provinces and territories, and empirical research in Ontario and British Columbia. Since that article was published in 2013, this new article reflects my research on recent publications in the United States on Workers’ Compensation. … Continue reading »

Problématiques émergentes en santé au travail

Le 28e congrès de la Société d’hygiène et de médecine du travail dans les armées et industries d’armement (SHMTAIA) s’est déroulé le 16 et 17 octobre 2014 à Poitiers, sous le haut patronage du ministre de la Défense. Les problématiques émergentes en santé au travail ont été abordées sur des thèmes allant du risque organisationnel … Continue reading »

Taiwanese farm workers’ pesticide knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and clothing practices

The purpose of this study was to assess Taiwanese fruit farm workers’ knowledge, attitudes, behaviours, and clothing practices regarding pesticide activities. Seventy-seven fruit farm workers from four districts of Tainan City, Taiwan completed the questionnaire. Results indicated that farmer workers had a good overall level of knowledge of the adverse effects of pesticides on human … Continue reading »

Aircrew Safety & Health

Aircrew job hazards have changed over the years, from cigarette smoke on flights to heightened safety concerns as a result of 9/11. Aircrew, including pilots and flight attendants, experience the mental and physical stress of the job as well as potential hazards, such as cosmic radiation, communicable disease, and pesticides.Here you can learn more about … Continue reading »

The international contribution to occupational health research

Objective: The importance of international occupational health research is established in achieving the World Health Organization’s vision of “occupational health for all”. The aim of this short communication is to describe the geographical distribution of research published in leading occupational health journals.Methods: Seven leading occupational health journals were identified, based on citation rates and impact … Continue reading »

L’Anses présente ses priorités de travail pour 2015

Cette année est synonyme d’un élargissement du champ de compétences avec une nouvelle mission pour l’Anses : la délivrance des autorisations de mise sur le marché des produits phytopharmaceutiques, matières fertilisantes et supports de culture à compter de juillet 2015. Parmi les nouveaux défis à relever : la mise en place d’un dispositif spécifique de … Continue reading »

WorkSafeBC Review and Action Plan Implementation Status Report Update

WorkSafeBC has fully implemented 23 recommendations of the WorkSafeBC Review and Action Plan, which was prepared by WorkSafeBC special adviser Gordon Macatee in July 2014. In addition, eight more recommendations are in progress and are on track to be completed as scheduled. Source: http://www.worksafebc.com/news_room/news_releases/2015/new_15_02_25.asp

L'état de la France et du travail dans les 25 prochaines années selon le CESE

Quel sera le monde du travail à l’horizon 2030 ? Le Conseil économique social et environnemental (CESE) dresse, dans son rapport annuel de l’état de la France en 2014, quatre scénarios de futurs possibles du travail. Focus prospectif du travail de demain.Les quatre scénarios illustrant ces futurs possibles ont été élaborés par la délégation à … Continue reading »

Strategy of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health 2015–2020

Vision 2020: Well-being through workOur vision is that work creates well-being at workplaces, at both the individual level, and in society at large. For this reason, FIOH promotes well-being at work, which refers to the capacity and ability of work communities and individuals to operate in various situations as work life changes. This means we … Continue reading »

Managing Health and Safety in Fishing

The aim of this guidance document is to help improve standards of safety and health in the commercial sea/marine fishing sector. In an effort to aid prevention of accidents and ill-health among fishermen, this guidance document looks at the role of the Safety Statement in managing health and safety, the most common causes of death, … Continue reading »

A recipe for safety

Health and safety in food and drink manufacture A recipe for safety is for everyone in the industry, including workers, supervisors, managers, directors, health and safety professionals and health and safety representatives. The guidance covers the main health and safety hazards in the food and drink industries and gives practical advice on how to manage … Continue reading »