Drycleaning There are about 36,000 commercial drycleaning shops in the United States. Most are owner-operated small businesses with fewer than 10 employees. In addition, some drycleaning shops may be owned and staffed by individuals with limited English language skills and/or may be marginally profitable– factors that may create additional barriers for the owner-operator to maintain a … Continue reading
Quel sera le monde du travail à l’horizon 2030 ? Le Conseil économique social et environnemental (CESE) dresse, dans son rapport annuel de l’état de la France en 2014, quatre scénarios de futurs possibles du travail. Focus prospectif du travail de demain.Les quatre scénarios illustrant ces futurs possibles ont été élaborés par la délégation à … Continue reading
The human cost of failing to protect workers is terrible. The ILO estimates that about 2 300 000 people – men, women, and children – die every year from work-related accidents and diseases. In Europe, more than 5 500 people lose their lives as a result of workplace accidents and a further 159,000 die as a result of work-related illnesses. … Continue reading
A meeting between Pedro Mota Soares, Minister of Solidarity, Employment, and Social Security and EU-OSHA Director Dr Christa Sedlatschek was the highlight of her visit to Portugal on 23/24 June 2014. During the visit, the Director also met with the Secretary of State for Employment, Octavio Oliveira, the Portuguese Parliamentary Groups at the Palácio de São Bento, … Continue reading
At the 14th Congress of the International Association of Labour Inspectors (IALI) in Geneva, EU-OSHA’s director gave a keynote speech on the challenges and opportunities facing labour inspection. The congress considered the challenges and opportunities for labour inspection, the need for professionalism and integrity, and the value of partnerships. One key issue is the increasingly … Continue reading
On 28 and 29 April 2014, EU-OSHA representatives met with the Georgian Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs in Tbilisi to discuss our cooperation as part of EU-OSHA’s ENP Project funded by the EU under the European Neighbourhood Policy. We discussed current developments in the area of safety and health at work in Georgia … Continue reading
Safety and health in the use of chemicals at work is the theme for the ILO World Day for safety and health at work in 2014, celebrated on April 28. Chemicals are essential for modern life, but can be a danger to workers. Some of these dangers are well known, others less so. Ideally, the … Continue reading
In December 2014, EU-OSHA representatives travelled to Yerevan to meet with our partners in the Republic of Yerevan, as part of EU-OSHA’s European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) project supported by the European Commission.
EU-OSHA representatives travelled to Tunis in December 2014 to meet with our partners in the Republic of Tunisia, as part of EU-OSHA’s European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) project supported by the European Commission.
In October 2014, and as part of its European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) project, funded by the EU under the ENP Instrument, EU-OSHA met with our colleagues in the Kingdom of Morocco to discuss workplace health and safety and our future cooperation.
Since February 2014, EU-OSHA has been working on a project supported by the European Commission through the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). The ENP aims build closer, mutually beneficial ties based on common values between the EU and 16 neighbouring countries to the South and East.
For more than a decade, EU-OSHA has been helping to integrate the Western Balkans and Turkey into the European occupational safety and health system. EU-OSHA works closely with countries in the Western Balkans and Turkey under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), supported by the European Commission, to enable those countries to participate in the … Continue reading
It is with great sadness that we have to report the death of Dr Eusebio Rial-González. Seb died peacefully in his sleep on 18 December 2014 in his home town of Vigo, Spain, after a lengthy struggle with cancer. As Head of the Prevention and Research Unit, Seb has been the architect of the Agency’s … Continue reading