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“It’ll never happen to me!” The Workplace Tragedy

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Too often we see fines doled out to companies for safety violations. Even in companies with proper training and gear readily provided and easily accessible this happens. The reason usually comes down to individual choice of a worker to cut a few corners. Nothing will happen now. We secretly pray something unconsciously and proceed to test fate.

Today, coming across Donnie’s Accident story, and the video his wife put together, prompted this must-see article to share with you. Her video shares a glimpse of the ordeal she had to endure, and the good fortune that saw Donnie’s eventual recovery.

Safety gear, personal protective equipment (PPE), is intended to minimize the damage, the hurt that the body will experience, and provide the chance for a full recovery and survival. Too often, it is seen as an unnecessary burden. In some Canadian provinces and cities, a strong safety culture exists and is well supported. In others, quite the opposite is true. This needs to change.

SafetyLives.com truly hopes this story, Donnie’s Accident, will have a significant impact upon the importance and value your safety decisions have, not only for your own life, but also of those who love you.

This is one story, one occupation. Accidents happen in all occupations, in a variety of ways.


3 Responses to ““It’ll never happen to me!” The Workplace Tragedy”

  1. Thanks for posting my video! I hope that it helps promote safety awareness by sharing my experience before during and after an electrical “Arc Blast” accident as well as reminding us what can happen if we don’t follow our safety procedures. You can read the full story on my website: donniesaccident.com

    BE SAFE,

    Posted by Donnie Johnson | January 6, 2012, 3:37 am
    • Our pleasure Donnie. You’ve got quite the story and it certainly took courage to share it. I’m pleased you have recovered to a level that allows you to enjoy the rest of your life with your family. You’re a lucky man and you appear to have a wonderful and supportive wife & family. All the best with your endeavours.

      Posted by leedman | January 6, 2012, 4:31 pm
  2. Great story, pass it on and spread the word. Electrical safety IS a topic ALL employees exposed to energized systems should be aware of. This is a powerful video and message.

    Posted by safetydude1234 | March 24, 2012, 2:29 am

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